1. Format

1) If you consider publication and presentation at the conference, please submit your full paper.
2) If you consider presentation only without publication, abstract submission is acceptable.

Prior to make the submission, please prepare your full paper or abstract according to the Template.

The full paper should be at least 6 pages in length (one-column), otherwise you will be required to add the contents. If the paper length exceeds 8 printed pages, including all figures, tables, and references, extra page will be charged 60 USD/400CNY per page.

2. Method

Submit your full paper or abstract directly to Online Submission System or ifsp_contact@yeah.net.

- via online submission system: an account is needed, if you don't have, please register first.
- via mailbox: the email subject should be named as "Submission-IFSP 2025-Full Paper/ Abstract".

The submission will be confirmed and assigned a Paper ID by the conference secretary from ifsp_contact@yeah.net within two working days after submission. To ensure receipt of all correspondence from the conference, please add ifsp_contact@yeah.net as acceptable emails to receive.

3. Notes

English is the official language of the conference; the paper should be written and presented only in English.

Only work that has not been previously published at the time of the conference will be considered.

4. Academic Review Process

All manuscripts are subject to blind peer review by competent reviewers in the relevant field and are expected to meet standards of academic excellence. The reviewers identity remain anonymous throughout the process. The review process is as below:
- Each paper will be subject to preliminary review such as relevance to the conference topics, repeated publication and repeated submission after submission.
- The conference secretary will inform authors the preliminary review via email around 10 days.
- Once the paper has passed the preliminary review, it will be delivered to reviewed by at least two independent reviewers according to the technicality, content, applicability and etc.
- The conference secretary will send a notification along with the review comments to authors via email around 3 weeks.

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