There are three ways of participation in the conference and their registration fees to the conference are different:

▪ Author (publication and presentation),
▪ Presentation Only (presentation only without publication),
▪ Delegate (no publication and presentation).

Please be noted that the payment of registration fee of author and presentation only are based on the fact that their papers or abstracts are accepted by the conference after review.

For Delegates who are interested in attending the conference with no publication and presentation, please directly register via the online link

The registration fee details are listed below. Please choose the category/categories you fit in.


Early Birds
(Before January 20, 2025)

Regular Registration
(After January 20, 2025)

Authors (Regular)

450 USD / 3150 CNY

500 USD / 3500 CNY

Authors (Students & Committee)

400 USD / 2800 CNY

450 USD / 3150 CNY

Presentation Only (Abstract)

300 USD / 2100 CNY

350 USD / 2450 CNY

Presentation Only (Onsite Registration)

400 USD / 2800 CNY

Additional Paper(s)

300 USD / 2100 CNY/ Paper

350 USD / 2450 CNY / Paper

Additional Page(s) - Over 8 pages

60 USD / 400 CNY / Page


250 USD / 1800 CNY

300 USD / 2100 CNY

Delegate (Onsite Registration)

350 USD / 2450 CNY

City Tour (Optional)

80 USD / 550 CNY


1. Student fee is ONLY applicable for student who is the FIRST author of the paper. Please submit a copy of student card or official letter to the Conference Secretary along with other registration materials.
2. One regular paper registration can cover a paper within 8 pages (one-column), and extra page will be charged at 60 USD/400CNY per page.
3. Registration fee covers: 1) Attending all technical sessions; 2) Conference materials; 3) Morning and afternoon teas, lunch and dinner; 4) Conference bag; 5) USB disk, including a collection of conference papers.
4. If you have several papers to register, you can enjoy extra paper discount if you are the first author of these papers. (There is a maximum of three papers)
5. One day tour is optional. If you plan to join, please register at your earliest convenience.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below:

* 15 days ahead of the conference: 30 USD cancellation fee.
* 5-15 days ahead of the conference: cancellation fee of 20% of the registration fee.
* Within 5 days ahead of the conference: no refund.
* Non-refund on delay or force majeure events including, without limitation, natural disasters, fires, earthquake or storm, strikes, failures of public utilities or common carriers, acts of war, or intervention, acts restraints or regulations of any governmental authority, including compliance with any order of any governmental considerations.

Note: Cancellation and refund request must be made formally by email to conference secretary at

Organizer Statement

1. The organizer reserves the right to change the conference date and venue due to force majeure events. Authors are obliged to observe and cooperate with the organizer's decision.
2. Participants should take good care of their belongings during the conference. The conference organizer is not responsible for loss or damage of property.

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